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Students Win Public Sculpture Commission, become Philanthropists

A welded steel sculpture proposed and created by MANS students was unveiled on Sept. 26 at a ceremony coordinated by the City as its latest addition to Lacombe's public art collection. The students donated part of their commission earnings to Mamawi Atosketan Native School. 

The City's public art committee enthusiastically endorsed the proposal by students Eileen Firingstoney and Tessa Potts, and vice-principal Mike Willing for Miweyihtowin, (Cree for “Affinity for Each Other”). The sculpture was designed by Firingstoney (currently Grade 11) and Potts (Class of 2020) and created over the summer in the Leon Ingraham Industrial Arts/CTS Building. It was installed beside the traffic circle at the intersection of College Avenue and the Edmonton-Calgary Trail.

Upon learning of costs for COVID-19 measures mandated this fall, Potts and Firingstoney donated part of their commission proceeds to MANS, thus becoming the school’s first major donors from currently-enrolled students and recently-graduated alumni.  

You can view the City’s unveiling ceremony here

Hear the artists speak individually about their connection to welding here and here

